10 Jun 2013

StyleLux acne killer peel off mask

Im having severe acne problem, so I do not simply buy products from the drugs store else im gonna make my face go serious. But after i tried this, i always recommend this to  my friends either with acne problem or without, because it's just rockkkkk! 

I bought this a month ago, because i found out that the mask for blackheads and acne(粉刺). i usually uses RM15 watson blackheads peeler mask, so i decided to give a try after i saw this on web. i know its expensive though! its £14.95 for 5 packs and it is a U.S. product, so i gave it a try! suprisingly,  this mask is perfect!! ze best blackheads and acne mask!! if you have severe acne and pimples problem like me, use it twice a month, because when it peels, your skin gona red, and i personally thinks that it will hurt my skin much, however, after using this!! i can feel that my skin got renew!! its so refresh, and no more blackheads and acne! it gone better and better for my acne and pimple problem! 

give it a try people from UK! i got it from styleluxUK free postage. However, people in Malaysia, if you want to try this out, you can contact On. The. Button. you gotta preorder from them. But, I really love this mask so much! the results in just 30 minutes, but i normally leave it to 30-40minutes and completely dry to ease from tearing it out. 
Acne killer peel off mask(10ml)
Wash your face thoroughly with warm water to allow your pores to open, have some essence water/toner(optional), then using fingers,  put it on your whole face. leave it for 30-40minutes.

Gently peel them off, then wash your face with warm water, finally apply mousturizers and toner. 

P/S!! it gonna be disgusting for my results, it you dont wanna look at the disgusting result, just ignore it. but there you go for my result!


Ciki said...

looks like a great product! I love facial peels so.. might give this a try;)

carmencm said...

thats great ciki, because most of the peoples hate peels off mask, they said its inconvenient and disgusting for this, but few weeks once, just pamper your face!

Sophie said...

Nice post!

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