6 Dec 2012

A meaningfull day with them

If you notice, they are known artist aka host for new movie coming up name helping hands3. If you had watch this movie before thats good, if no, they are helping people needs our help to makeover their house to have a more comfy and clean place to live in. Coming sunday, 9dec2012, everysunday, 6pm, stay tuned at ntv7 for the third season of helping hands. See how volunteers and host stay together and help others that need help. Its a good opportunity for us to help others especially us youngsters, i took out a whole day leave to help others. A time to learn something. Did not regret to do something so iniative before going to uk. Wanted to do for sec time, but too bad im alone to do and i dont have time left. Today onwards only 13days to taiwan for 12days and 307days to birmingham. So many things not done, task list like red cloth so long. No time speding time with friends neither. Feel like going out with time, but they have so limited time neither me also. It may be the last time to meet owen and thomas, better than npt meeting up jack before going to taiwan, dreaming eveynight to see him he next morning. And one one or two yrs i will not be nack to see everyone, only cn get thru net to see each other, i will miss everyhing and everyone here

Did volunteering work with the kiddies, and have a great day while they shine my day! happy kiddo! MGS rock btw! 

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